
Freiberger Bürgerfestlauf community fun run 2024

After a six-year break, the much-loved Bürgerfestlauf community fun run took place in Freiberg again, last Friday. In sweltering weather conditions, almost 1,500 runners of all ages set off on the race routes. This popular sporting event, which is well-known beyond the city limits, was made possible thanks to the practical support provided by sponsors – including teamtechnik – and the enthusiastic engagement of the organizing team from the "1899 TUS Freiberg" sports association.

Getting things moving together: 35 employees from teamtechnik were among the runners (photo: teamtechnik)

This year, teamtechnik was one of the promoters of this well-loved running event. "When they came looking for sponsors for the Freiberg Bürgerlauf, we didn't have to think twice", recounted Stefan Rosskopf, the company's CEO. "teamtechnik is a company with a strong connection to this region. Supporting projects that benefit children and young people in Freiberg and the surrounding area is something that's very close to our heart.“ For this reason, sponsoring the 1km race for school children, including the elementary school cup for Freiberg's elementary schools, fits perfectly in our endeavors. And it was an outstanding success, with 524 students taking part in the teamtechnik children's race itself. Due to the exceptional numbers of runners, the organizational team split the race into three groups. This ensured that everyone had a safe and enjoyable run.

In general, teamtechnik, the hidden champion for assembly and test lines, has excellent contacts to schools in Freiberg, giving school students an insight into what technical careers can look like. teamtechnik has a spacious training center and offers apprenticeships for a range of different careers.

This time, the five-kilometer route of the main race ran directly along the company's extensive production site. A grand total of 552 competitors took part in the main race. The 35-person team sent by teamtechnik was the largest company team in the race. The team got a boisterous welcome from its many fans at the starting point and on the finish line, especially when the fastest teamtechnik runner achieved a very creditable twelfth place. In advance of taking part in this sporting event, teamtechnik's own running group turned to the professional runners at the TUS Freiberg sports association for help in preparing for it. As Katrin Püschel, an engineer at teamtechnik and one of the youngest participants in the team said, "taking part in sport together is so much more motivating“. It was her first time running in the race.
