Legal Notice

Maschinen und Anlagen GmbH
(Renamed "BBS Automation" in June 2025)

Registered office

Planckstrasse 40 (Delivery address: Riedstraße 27)
71691 Freiberg (Neckar), Germany
Phone +49 71 41 70 03-0
Fax +49 71 41 70 03-70

Managing Directors

Stefan Rosskopf
Frank Sickinger

Commercial Register
Commercial Register Stuttgart, No. HRB 207017

VAT registration number      
DE 238600709

Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:

Philipp Enzel
Planckstrasse 40
71691 Freiberg (Neckar), Germany


The content of this website is protected by copyright law and has been partially made using licensed pictures. Several parts of this webpage may be downloaded, temporarily saved and printed but only for private use. Any other duplication (piracy), transfer or circulation of any content of this website, either by download, temporary saving or printing, is prohibited unless specific permission from teamtechnik Maschinen und Anlagen GmbH is obtained.


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